Friday, 9 May 2014

End of April

During that time I didn't write here, we had some interesting events in the library and in Zarasai.

On the 22th of April all public librarys in Lithuania celebrated an open of National Library's Week. This is a traditional event in each lithuanian public library. That day different people from administration and culture centre came to the library and  read one old poem by Donelaitis. He is one of the oldest writers of Lithuania. Lithuanians call him "Lithuanian Homer" and celebrate his 300th birthday this year. One person read one short part from this poem. We (volunteers - me and Martin, spanish volunteer) also read our short parts on lithuanian language! It wasn't so easy to do because language of that poem was very hard to pronounce. It was old lithuanian language! But we touched to old lithuanian culture. I'm happy about it.  

On 25th of April all librarians planted small trees (thujas) around our library. Volunteers also helped to do it. We helped spread and flatten the land for thujas, cleaned it from extra roots. At the end of that day we planted about 30 small tujas! I planted 2 of this! I was very tired but happy that I did kind work!

                               Workers from Zarasai puplic library

On 26th of April in Lithuania was organizing an ecological action "DAROM 2014". Zarasai joined this action first time. All guys who decided to join it met at 11 am on a main square. And we were going to clean a small territory in Zarasai from different garbage like plastic bottles, paper... So, as a final result we collected about 30 big bags of trash! We made Zarasai more cleaner and beauty. I hope next time more people will join this action because it‘s so nesessary to protect area you‘re living and keep it clean!

                                       "DAROM 2014" Our team

On 29th of April we were again on a Darbo Birža. Tomas told to young people about volunteering and EVS. And we, a real volunteers, shared with them our personal opinions and feelings about volunteering experience. This day more young people came than it was first time. So, may be somebody of them changed his mind and wanted to try to be a volunteer! It’s so interesting! I hope on it...)))

                                              Darbo Birža. Part 2