Sunday, 25 May 2014

Onion Fest

On the 10th of May we vizited Onion fest. It's a traditional event which organizing every year in Zarasai. Lockal people believe that this day all onion should be planted. This event took part on an old watermill about 5 km far from Zarasai. The fest was starting at 10. Firstly we looked on a different craft lockal things which were making by lockal people. It was wooden and clay toys and utensils, knitted and woven traditional clothing. Also we tryed a traditional dish - a pancakes with medicinal plants inside! It was very tasty and healthy.
After that we vizited an old watermill. It was restored and looking like an old. A mill is very popular among tourists and lockal people.
The main part of this fest was a plant an onion. Organizers prepared beds and everyone could be a participant in the competition for planting onions. We were participans too together with Martin like an international team! One lady gave us a small basket with onion and our task was put that onions in to ground. It was very funny! After we finished, an owner of a mill presented us a small handmade onion like a memory about that competition and fest. It was so unexpectedly but very nice! Also our photos entered to one lockal website! So we became a superstars after that fest!
The photos you could find there

Onion Fest. Happy volunteers