Friday, 18 April 2014


A few days ago (on 7th of April) I helped decorate and organize an exibition about lithuanian writer Jonas Biliūnas. I did it together with Inesa. She works in the Library.
Inesa prepared books for this exibition. Also we desided to decorate shelves with printed trees with short sentences from Jonas Biliūnasas' books on it. I tryed to read it, but it was bad idea, because I haven't enought knowledge in Lithuanian language to do it well. I will try to  improve my Lithuanian and I believe it would be better after few month.
Also Inesa brought an arrow and gun from home and we used it to explain the plot of one book. The main idea that book is one boy accidentally killed the cat and then all his life was very upset that he did it. Author heared this story from his friend and desided to write a book about it. Generally main theme all his books is loneliness, sorrow, anguish, pain of loss. He wrote book for kids and for adults.
Yesterday I was at the opening of photo exibition about nature in Zarasai's history museum. The museum is on the first floor of library's building. The exhibition presents photos of thirty-five photographers of Zarasai. They submitted their photos of nature, interesting worlds places, animals and plants. This exibition will work during two next weeks. All that photos is really nice and beautiful and I think I would go there again.