Monday, 27 October 2014

Salakas. Ignalina. Palūše

At the second week end of September (from 13th to 14th) I was in Salakas with some other volunteers. We celebrated all together birthdays of two volunteers Max's from France and Angels' from Spain. There were 14 guys from Franse, Russia, Lithuania, Armenia, UK, Spain, Netherlandes and Ukraine. We spent nice week end all together. We played in active games on a beach, walked to the forest, drove bicycles, made barbeque - meat for non-vegetarians and vegetables and mushrooms for vegetarians. On a brakfast is was a pankakes with zucchini and apples. It was cool and fun time and unusual international birthday party I ever have been!!! 

After Salaka at the same week end (from 14th to 16th). I was in Ignalina. I desided to visit Alba also volunteer from Spain who works there and visit Aukštatia National Park in Palūše where she works. It's one of the biggest parks in Lithuania. It's really huge and very beautiful. I was impressed. This park is quite popular and well known among not just local people but also among foreign tourists. There are a lot of activities for visitors. The park is full of different tracks (for cars, foot walking or boat trips). I was on one foot track - "Botanical track". It's very short distance just 3,5 km with 7 stopes. On each of that stopes you can read and learn some info about protected lithuanian plants. Also there are a lot of wooden sculptures around the park but unfortunately most of it is destroyed or in a very bad condition. And Alba as a restaurator tries to take care about it. She cleans and covers each of it by protected material. I think she is doing very good and useful job for this park! It was nice meeting and I happy I could see one more beautiful Lithuanian place and meet with Alba now my friend!