Friday, 27 June 2014

Evening of short movies. Beer fest

The begining of June was not so active. But we had some activities.

On the 11th of June we had an Evening of short movies. People could see different movies of russian and lithuanian directors. All movies were showing in different time on Russian Movie Festival "Message to human". The programme of Evening was very interesting:

1. Kat and kasha (animation) 2010, Russia, director Vyacheslav Kaminsky, duration 5 min
    Animation story about a cat. Cat is eating kasha and kasha is eating a kat.

2. Hunger (fiction) 2008, Lithuania, director Julia Zubavičienė, duration 10 min
    The movie is about love and humanity.

3. 1937 (fiction) 2011, Russia, director  Svetozar Golovlev, duration 18 min
     It happened in 1937. A young couple takes a train to the outskirs of Moscow in order to     secretly baptize their child.

4. Fly under Lithuania or 510 seconds of silent (documental) 2000, Lithuania, directors Arūnas Matelis and Audrius Stotis, duration 10 min
    The movie is showing Lithuania from the plane. It was present on the international exhibition "EXPO 2000", where it received a lot of good reviews and awards

5. Away (fiction) 2012, Russia, director Anna Sarukhanova, duration 17 min
    The story is about a boy. He is invited to go abroad, and must resolve to abondon his ordinary life, friends, family and his girlfriend for a vague future.

6. Tomato story (animation) 2010, Russia, directors Olga and Tatiana Poliektovy, duration 4 min
    Animation humoristic story about two ladies who decided to grow tomatoes.

As you could see on that Evening was shown six different short movies. 
I hope people had interesting, unusual and  not boring evening )))
We created that Evening as a part of our new every week summer activity - Summer Cinema Club. That Evening was a begining of the Club. The main idea of this Club is showing for lockals  the best movies from library‘s video collection. So, this Club will be every Wednesday during all summer season. For example, on 18th of June everybody could see exellent movie "Slumdog millionaire", on 26th of June - "Impossible".
Also it will be a part of our summer programme - Summer Reading for Kids. During this summer programme kids could come to the library on each Thursday and have different activities with librarians like crafts and reading books by different ways.

 Summer reading programme for kids

On the 14th of June we were on the Beer Festival in Vasaknos. 

Vasaknos is very small and beautiful vilage near small town Dusetos in Zarasai's region. We were there together with my sister. She came from Moscow to visit me. Also our mentor Virginija and two other volunteers Martin and Max were there too. Martin (from Spain) is working with me in the library and Max (from France) is working in Grazhute Regional Park were there.
So, we were on a fest together.
We tried a lot of sorts of lockal beer, listerned music from few lockal bands.
Generally I can say we spent nice time together. The fest was very funny, interesting and memorable.

Vasaknos. Place of Beer festival