Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Volunteer's festival

At the beginning of August I was on the volunteer's fest "SAVAS FESTAS". It was from 9th till 10th of August in small place RÄ—kalnis 2 km far from Trakai. The organizators was SALTES one volunteer's organization in Lithuania. The festival was during weekend.
It was a big festival. Mostly there were lithuanian volunteers but also were some EVS volunteers like me (about 15 totally).
To get the place of the festival you could by hitchhike. SALTES offered to all participanse join hitchhike race. And for example I did it with one girl from Spain ) It was really interesting. In the morning I came to Ignalina from Zarasai to meet with that girl (also EVS) by hitchhike and after we were going together to Vilnius and than to Rekalnis (place of the fest) by hitchhike too. It was so amazing and interesting. We met so many interesting and kind people on the road. 
The festival was organize on 4 different stages: organizations fair, eco zone, volunteer's zone, extreme zone.
So everybody could chose a stage and workshop he is interesting more that others and participate in it. The programe was very intensive and interesting.
The organizators also organize one free dinner for everyone. And in the evening and during the night there was interesting concert of the few lockal bands. Actially the fest was near the lake so nobody was boring! 
So my main conclusion about that event can be just positive. I could say my weekend wasn't boring and I really enjoy the time and company we were together

                                                                 RÄ—kalnis. Trakai. Place of the fest

Thursday, 11 September 2014

Music festival "Roko Naktys 2014"

At the middle of August from 15th till 17th of August Zarasai toke place for another big music event. It was festival of a rock and similar music styles. Everything was organized as "Galapagai" on an island of the lake of Zarasai. It's interesting this fest normally take place in a different places each year and the organizators told before they wants to organize it in Varena but they changed their mind and finaly decided to do it in Zarasai.
Many people came to this fest but not too much as to "Galapagai". It was I think due to the style of music cause not so many people likes 'hard'. For sure pop music is more popular among people.
I didn't go on it due to my personal reasons (music style, money - ticket was not so cheap for me)  but as I know it was great!
So next year welcome to Zarasai or enother place to visit this fest )))
And more info about this event you could find on the official web page