Tuesday, 19 August 2014

300 lakes rally

From 7th till 9th of August in Nothen-Easten region of Lithuania was big event - rally "300 lakes". This rally is very populas among lockals. The route is always the same. It starts from Visaginas, goes throught Zarasai and ends in Salakas. Different cars participated In the rally professionals and non-professionals. The participans was from different countries Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. Mostly the drivers on their cars were from one country but at the same time were also mix. For example I checked one car the drivers were from Russia and Poland.
First day the drivers represented their cars. And they started one by one each 5 minutes a new car. I also looked on the cars it stayed on the main square before start. I even found one car from my region in Russia! When I did I couldn't belive in it ))) But it was funny! It would be like a memory about this event )))
I saw just part of the rally in Zarasai cause it was for free. Normally the price for one ticket was 35 lt - not so expencive and not so cheap.
The part I saw was enough to imagine how it was at all. So I could say it was amazing, incredible and exciting ))) Could you imagine a car goes very fast at the same time has to move in difficult turn! Some drivers were crazy and their cars overturned just on the road. Yes, from time to time there was a little bit dangerous.
To tell the truth this rally is one of the favourite events of people. Not only me came to watch rally. I could say there was the most big fans of it!!!
It was my first time I saw this kind of event. And I liked it very much! Especially for emotions I get during and after )))

Marathon for disabled

On 7th of August I participated in marathon for disabled.
It was a special project from 6th till 13th of August organized all together by 3 countries Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus. It called "Green routes without obstacles". There were about 30 disabled from this countries. They had to drive about 350 km on wheelchairs during about one week. One day they were staying in one place.
The organizators in Lithuania was Grazhute regional park. The road of the marathon was going through Zarasai and I desided to join to volunteers from Grazhute and help them.
Our main task was help to disabled to moving in hard parts of the way. Also we organized accomodation for them  - were preparing a camp with tents to sleep, making food and organizing eating place.
It was totally new experience for me. I couldn't say it was easy to do but I happy I get it and could help to guys.

 Marathon. Day in Zarasai.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Music festival "Galapagai 2014"

Last weekend (at 1th and 2th of August) in Zarasai was organizing big music festival "Galapagai 2014".
This year like everytime there was many-many people. All people was from different countries but of course mostly from Lithuania and Zarasai. Galapagai toke place in one big island which situated in Zarasai and surounded by the lake. People could come and stay in their tents. It's very comfortable cause you can every time enjoy the fest and music.
On the fest was a few stages with different kind of music. Main stage was with rock - pop music. The most interesting band for me have played there were The Baseballs (rock-n-roll) from Germany, also SKAMP (rock-r'n'b), Lemon Joy (pop-rock) and Leon Somov & Jazzu (soul) from Lithuania. Another stage was mostly with different kind of electronical music. I really enjoyed Mr.Woodnote and Lyl Rhys (hip-hop/jazz) from UK and Jurgis Didžiulis (electronica) from  Lithuania.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mary and me
I was on the fest together with some other past and present volunteers who also interested in it. So there also were Alba (girl from Spain). She is working in National park in Ignalina. And Mary (girl from Armenia) who works in Anykščiai regional park. Also there were two italian girls Barbara and Cinzia. They worked in the library last year. They came to Zarasai to visit library and their lithuanian friends.
We spent amazing weekend all together. I could say it was one of the most interesting and unusual time I had during EVS. The company and atmosphere on the fest was really friendly and cozy. If I ll be able to do it again in the future I would be happy to visit Galapagai once (but may be not once) again. And I definitely recomend you doing the same and you ll try to feel the same emotions I had.

                                 International team on Lithuanian festival. Cinzia, Barbara, Alba and me